What's on?

For lively Irish music and social dancing, most Sunday nights at Southmead Community Centre, 248 Greystoke Avenue, Southmead, Bristol BS10 6BQ, from 8 pm. (6 times a year, no class because we are running workshop/ ceili in Wotton under Edge on 2nd Sunday of month. Occasionally other Sundays may be cancelled - ring Sharon on 07745 376 499 to check)

For all other local events, click on "other local groups" and "Calendar" above.

For accommodation near Southmead Community Centre, and for how to get there by public transport, click on "contact/ find us" above.

Monday, 24 December 2012

There will be no Sunday dancing at St Bon's in Bristol on Sunday 30th December, classes resume as normal from Sunday 6th January.

Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Priddy November 25th

Had an excellent day at Val's party at Priddy. Here are some photos from the day.

Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Bristol dancers at Longford weekend

A group of set dancers from Bristol had a great weekend in Longford where we met up with Helen and Bert.

The bands, who were all on top form, included The Deenagh, Salamanca, Swallow's Tail and Johnny Reidy.

Monday, 12 November 2012

Christmas is coming....

See under calendar for all the Christmas set dance parties and ceilis in the area. 
St Bon's regular Sunday evening class will continue through the festive season, except for Sunday 30th December, when there will be no class.

Monday, 29 October 2012

Kerry musicians Padraig O'Se, Jeremy Spencer and Gary O'Brien in Bristol October 2011

Local band The Polka Pests

The Polka Pests playing at Bristol Set Dance weekend 2011.

Workshop with Timmy McCarthy, October 2011