What's on?

For lively Irish music and social dancing, most Sunday nights at Southmead Community Centre, 248 Greystoke Avenue, Southmead, Bristol BS10 6BQ, from 8 pm. (6 times a year, no class because we are running workshop/ ceili in Wotton under Edge on 2nd Sunday of month. Occasionally other Sundays may be cancelled - ring Sharon on 07745 376 499 to check)

For all other local events, click on "other local groups" and "Calendar" above.

For accommodation near Southmead Community Centre, and for how to get there by public transport, click on "contact/ find us" above.

Wednesday, 20 April 2016

           DINDER  SPECIAL
                                  Sunday MAY 1st
                       DAY of DANCE
                         Val Knight
     Morning. Arrive 10.45am ~ Welcome Coffee
                 Workshop 11am-1pm
           Lunch- BRING PICNIC TO SHARE
           AFTERNOON CEILI  2.30pm-5pm.
    Brilliant Dance Floor. Sets 'Called' where needed.
                        Teatime 3.45pm
             Workshop £3.   Ceili £3.   Both £6.
                Dinder Village Hall ~ BA5 3PE
      Any Queries; sguigchesney@btinternet.com
                Or; valcuttywren@yahoo.co.uk
                     Just Come ~ It'll Be Fun

Monday, 18 April 2016

New class starting in Dorset!
See under "other local groups" (click on this at top of this page) for details. The new class will be run by Siobhan Jones in Stourpaine Village Hall, Havelins, every Thursday except the third Thursday of each month, and will be suitable for beginners. More experienced dancers also very welcome.

Tuesday, 12 April 2016


with the


On tour in UK in July

FRIDAY 15th JULY 2016, from 8 – 11.30 pm

Southmead Community Centre, 248 Greystoke Avenue, Bristol BS10 6BQ

£12 on the door, advance tickets £10

Contact: Sharon and Mick Carr 0117 3735544; sharonjcarr@virginmedia.com

Tuesday, 5 April 2016

A taster session in Irish Set Dancing for Beginners.

Sharon and Mick are running a taster session at The Folk House, 40 Park Street, Bristol BS1 5JG, on Saturday 2nd July, from 1.30 - 4 pm.
The cost is £12.95/ £11.95 for over 60s/ £9.10 for those on benefits.
For more information, or to book a place, call the Folk House on 0117 926 2987; email admin@bristolfolkhouse.co.uk; or see website www.bristolfolkhouse.co.uk.

We hope to follow this up with a course over a few weeks in the Autumn.